Monday 13th November

On my final day of monitoring the media, it is very evident that news outlets are clinging to the last straws of the story. Beyond today the story could very well dry up unless there are new accusations or direct leads.

  • The Mail Online chooses to go on a complete tangent and draw words from an Imam who urges women to wear hijabs to help men ‘control their sexual urges’. The headline obviously aims to infuriate the target audience. As most Brits (including those that are Muslim) will click the site’s provocative headline out of frustration.

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?,” – Imam Zainadine Johnson

  • The Mail Online also reports on the affair Farage had for 12 years with his mistress. This adds to the fuel of sexual misconduct in Parliament. This story likens itself to that of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
  • Politico (EU) gives a late but necessary report of the suicide of Carl Sargeant. Other outlets reported the story earlier but Politico does it a few days later with all fact, no opinion and no apparent bias either. This cuts a different picture from the articles from other outlets which have slightly less forgiving undertones due to the severity of the allegations he faced before death.

These articles were the most important for me to draw attention to simply to show the contrast in various angles as the story has matured. It’s certain that even more loosely related tangents for British parliamentary misconduct will be explored as the Hollywood Weinstein scandal continues to unravel.

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